Did you not find a certain technology or solution in our detailed offer? Here is a brief overview of the technologies that usually complement the main solution, but can also be used separately as stand-alone technologies:
These systems register the working hours of employees and may be combined with access control system.
These systems simplify client check-in processes at counters, in waiting rooms or anywhere else. Connections to identification systems may also be used. In addition, the systems may provide basic information to optimise the check-in process.
This technology is used by fitness centres, swimming pools and also by libraries to automate the operation of these establishments.
The basic variants of these systems enable monitoring of entrances or parking capacity, while advanced systems help with navigation to free parking spaces.
These provide the actual security for other technologies in terms of power safety. A formal implementation includes a combination of UPS units and diesel power generators.
The systems comprise telephone switchboards and wiring. They may be connected, for example, to entry recording systems.
These compliment the control process of certain access / entrance areas and allowing free visitor access, etc.
Modern buildings utilise the ever-growing number of technologies from conventional television signal distribution (including STA) to various building control technologies: air conditioning, recuperation, heating, shielding systems, automatic watering systems, etc.