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Turnstiles, gates, employee access control systems

We find these devices everywhere and use them every day. Administrative centres, shopping malls, banks, cultural centres, sports and relaxation centres, airports, public transport, ski resorts, highway rest areas and gas stations. Simply put, they are everywhere. These devices are an integral part of the architectural solution and contribute to the overall appearance of the facility.

Security systems cannot fulfil their purpose without using turnstiles and gates. And if we are to operate in high security areas, we cannot do without employee and bank mployee access control systems. The benefit of turnstiles and employee access control systems lies in the ability of the system to manage "person by person" entry, where only authorised users can pass and thereby ensure their registration in the event of an emergency. On the other hand gates, which are an integral part of the proposed solutions, ensure the supply of materials or can allow larger loads to pass under specific pre-set safety procedures.

We always discuss delivery of turnstiles, gates and employee access control systems with responsible architects and offer many different turnstile solutions that can be adapted to a specific architectural requirement. In the case of listed buildings or urban conservation areas, we always prepare documents for discussion with the relevant department of the Heritage authority, which also contain turnstile design drawings, integrated turnstile photographs, layouts and catalogue sheets.

In addition to design, we always pay attention to the technological sophistication of the supplied equipment. These are not only patented drives, their noiseless operation and guaranteed number of passes or the necessary safety elements. Durability and long-term support are other very important parameters.

If you are considering the installation of turnstiles or employee access control systems, do not hesitate to contact us!